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South Dakota Recovery Connection
Creating a Culture of Recovery in South Dakota Communities.
Recovery Communities of South Dakota is committed to providing a welcoming and supportive community with individuals and families seeking a new life from the challenges of life in the midst of addiction, alcoholism, rooted in unresolved grief and the multiple layers of trauma.
Recovery Communities of South Dakota is guided by elders and cultural wisdom keepers in our communities and embraces the Seven Traditional Values of the Lakota*
- Fortitude can be seen as the inner strength or inner fire that allows an individual to persevere in the face of adversity.
- Wisdom is the ability to make the right decisions not just for self, but for family and community.
- Courage is the willingness to put oneself in harm’s way to protect family and community or to advance a higher cause or purpose.
- Generosity is giving of possessions, time & energy to other so that they may prosper.
- Honor is having integrity to honest character – one who can be trusted.
- Respect is understanding the importance of all creation, including people, animals and earth.
- Humility is the core value – understanding that the values and gifts given to us by our creator are not only for personal gains. Our purpose is to protect, heal and advance our communities for benefit of future generations.
*Special thank you to Cultural Advisor Bev Warne and Valeriah Big Eagle
Resources for Support
COVID-19 Resource Information
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) – COVID-19 Resource and Information GuideCenter for Disease Control and Prevention –
Center for Disease Control and Prevention –
Support Helplines & GrantsSAMHSA –
Emergency Grants to Address Mental and Substance Use Disorders During COVID-19
SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline –
World Health Organization –
COVID-19 Health Alerts (WhatsApp)
211.org –
Call 211 for assistance in finding food, or basic essential needs.
Text 741741
to speak with a trained Crisis Counselor.
COVID-19 CDC Summary
updated information and guidance regarding COVID-19
Recovery Communities of South Dakota (RCoSD) believes in trauma-informed care (TIC), a strengths based approach grounded in understanding and responding to the potential impacts of trauma and creating opportunities for people to rebuild their sense of agency and control
(Fallot & Harris, 2014; Guarino,
Soares, & Konnath, 2007; Hopper, Bassuk, & Olivet, 2010).
Recovery Communities of South Dakota (RCoSD) ©2021
Recovery Communities of South Dakota (RCoSD) is a South Dakota nonprofit IRS approved 501c3 organization - EIN#26-3429018
PO Box 2022, Rapid City, SD 57709 - 605-858-1385
DISCLAIMER: THIS WEBSITE DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. The information contained on this website is not intended to be a substitute for or to be relied upon as, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This website is for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.